Mis on “App drawer” ja “woot”? Oxfordi sõnaraamat sai hulga uusi tehnoloogiateemalisi sõnu

Pane tähele! Artikkel on ilmunud enam kui 5 aastat tagasi ning kuulub Geeniuse digitaalsesse arhiivi.

Kuu algul lasti välja üheksas versioon Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary rakendusest. Kokku on sõnaraamatusse lisatud 900 uut definitsiooni, millest paljud on omapärased ja naljakad ning seotud ka tehnoloogia ja sotsiaalmeediaga.

Lisatud sõnadest on 170 seotud IT-ga, mobiilide ning veebiarendusega. Paljud lisatud sõnad on juba ammu kasutuses, aganüüd on need saanud ka nii-öelda ametlikeks sõnadeks. Näiteks on nüüdsest ametlik sõna oversharer, mis tähendab inimest, kes annab enda isikliku elu kohta välja rohkem infot, kui teised tegelikult teada soovivad. Või näiteks script kiddie, mis tähendab inimest, kes kasutab häkkimiseks juba olemasolevat programmeerimiskoodi, kuna tapole iseseisvalt koodi kirjutamiseks piisavalt pädev.

Oxfordi sõnaraamatu puhul on tegu ühe vanima seletava sõnaraamatuga maailmas, mille juured ulatuvad tagasi 1857. aastani. Sõnaraamatu rakendust võib alla laadida nii Apple’i App Store’ist kui Google Play’st.

Siin on mõnedtehnoloogiaga seotud uued terminid sõnaraamatus:

App drawer– a collection of all the applications that are installed on an electronic device such as a smartphone or a small computer.
Adware– a type of software that automatically displays or downloads advertisements on a computer screen, smartphone, etc. when a user is online.
Content farm– a website that includes a large quantity of material, which may be of low quality or taken from other sources, but which enables the site to appear high on the list of results given by a search engine.
Cyberthreat– the possibility that somebody will try to damage or destroy a computer network, computer system or website by secretly changing information on it without permission.
Feature phone– a mobile/cell phone that can do some important things such as connect to the Internet, play and store music, etc. but does not have all the functions of a smartphone.
Followee– a person, company, etc. whose messages on a microblogging service people choose to receive regularly.
Geofencing– a technology which draws a virtual line around a physical area so that a signal can be sent to a mobile electronic device such as a phone inside this line or when this line is crossed.
Oversharer– a person who gives more information than people want to hear about his or her personal life.
Ransomware– a type of software that is designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.
Script kiddie– a person who uses existing programming code to hack (3) somebody's computer, because they do not have the skill to write their own code.
Scareware– a type of computer program that tricks a user into buying and downloading unnecessary software that could be dangerous for the computer.
Tweetheart– a person who uses Twitterwho is very popular with other users. A person somebody has met by using Twitterand has a romantic relationship with.
Tweetup– a meeting arranged by sending messages using the Twitter social networking service.
Woot!– used to express excitement, enthusiasm, satisfaction, etc., especially in text messages or emails.

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